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INTRASOFT International, the global ICT company, has collaborated with Kenya Police Sacco Limited, a leading savings and credit co-operative society (SACCO) in Kenya to supply “Profits Sacco Core Banking System and i-Profits Internet Banking Solution”.

INTRASOFT’s products have been tailored to specifically meet the demands of the SACCO financial institutions. This recent win is in-line with the company strategic plan to further expand in Kenya’s Financial Services Sector.

Ms. Wambui Mbesa, CEO INTRASOFT International East Africa, commented: “Our top priority as an ICT company focused on the SACCO sector, is to adapt our market leading banking product to the exact requirements of the SACCO market, enhance security, and bring to the sector the latest in technology. This is the value we bring to Kenya Police SACCO as a technology partner. We are looking forward to a long and successful partnership”.

Kenya Police Sacco Society Limited is a deposit-taking SACCO and among the top SACCOs in Kenya both in Deposits as well as in Assets, having registered impressive growth amidst harsh economic times in the last financial year.

Mr. Solomon A. Atsiaya, CEO Kenya Police SACCO Society commented: “The Kenya Police Sacco Society is focused on adopting appropriate cost-effective technologies through partnerships to provide secure, efficient and reliable services to our members. We are happy to have INTRASOFT International emerge as the preferred technology partner, following a rigorous procurement process and look forward to a successful partnership”.

It counts over 63,000 members and its mission is to facilitate savings mobilization and cost effective financial and non-financial products and services to members and customers within and outside Kenya.

Setting the pace in the sector, Kenya Police SACCO has continued to invest in state-of-the-art technology to enhance its systems, secure member investments, and continue to provide the very best services to their members.

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